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Thank you for your interest in covering Atlantic Comic Con 2024! We appreciate your dedication to sharing our event with your audience. Please fill out the form below to request press credentials. Before proceeding, kindly review the terms and conditions linked here. We look forward to collaborating with you to bring the excitement of our inaugural event to the world!

Press Credentials and Footage Usage


We value the role of media in covering our event and spreading the excitement to a wider audience. Press credentials are granted to journalists, photographers, and videographers who intend to cover our event.


Requirements for Press Credentials:


  1. Application: All press personnel must apply for credentials through our official website.

  2. Verification: Credentials are subject to verification based on the applicant's affiliation and coverage plans.

  3. Coverage Agreement: By accepting credentials, you agree to abide by our guidelines and respect attendee privacy.


Usage of Footage:


  1. Rights and Permissions: Footage captured at Atlantic Comic Con remains the property of Atlantic Comic Con. Permission is granted for one-time editorial use only, unless otherwise specified in writing.

  2. Promotional Use: Press personnel are obligated to provide footage upon request for promotional purposes related to Atlantic Comic Con.

  3. Attribution: Proper credit must be given when using our footage in any media publication or broadcast.


For more information or to apply for press credentials, please contact us directly

Atlantic Comic Con Character

Press/Media Application Form

Assignment Details:

Purpose of Coverage

Credential Requirements:

Type of Access Needed

Coverage Plans:

Equipment to be Used:
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